RadioRoSo (acronym from Radioactive Waste Robotic Sorter) is the experiment, an 18 months small-scale research project, aimed at bringing results from labs to the market. The experiment is funded by the European Commission through the robotics research project ECHORD++ (The European Coordination Hub for Open Robotics Development) funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme under the grant agreement no 601116. RadioRoSo is one of 16 experiments, which joined Echord++ in its second call in 2016. RadioRoSo succeeded among 114 proposals.
- Project (Echord++ experiment) start: September 1, 2016
- Project (Echord++ experiment) end: January 31, 2018
- Coordinator: Dr. Sotiris Malassiotis, ITI – Information Technology Institute, Thessaloniki, Greece
The experiment RadioRoSo has a goal to demonstrate advanced perception/manipulation skills of a bi-manual and semi-autonomous robot in the application of sorting mixed compressible radioactive waste material, for decommissioning or decontamination operations. The RadioRoSo experiment builds on top of knowledge/skills obtained in the EC funded project CloPeMa (Clothes Perception and Manipulation, 2012-2015) and applies it to a specific domain – manipulating and sorting radiation-contaminated waste. Three of five RadioRoSo partners (CERTH Thessaloniki, CVUT Prague, UniGe Genova) bring CloPeMa knowledge to RadioRoSo project.